December 1, 2018 Christmas Photo a Day

20181201-img_10281(Gratitude. <— go and read it before you leave for the mall.)

I was going to link this article the other day, and then I realized that it was needed TODAY. It’s Saturday. EVERYONE actually has only 23 more days till Christmas Eve. One of my biggest ‘things’ working retail is the attitude that THEY ALONE are celebrating this holiday and we have somehow conspired to ruin it by not having that random thing they need; not being able to accomplish the impossible project in an unreasonable amount of time because they didn’t think it would take so long….

It’s NOT about YOU. Really.

(Or if you celebrate Hanukah, you are at the finish line! Congrats.)


Visit my photo site, and give ART this Christmas! Help fill my piggy bank for a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Wales this spring.

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